Protect Your Data from Threats of Cyber-Attacks with Cloud Hosting

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    Data breaches are becoming more frequent in the US, costing the healthcare industry an estimated $6.2 billion.

    The healthcare industry is the number one target of ransomware, malware, and other cyberattacks. These attacks may lead to data breaches that put your patients’ health information at risk. The value of medical records on the black market is extremely high, so cybercriminals are getting more creative and persistent in stealing protected health information (PHI).




    According to Ponemon Institute, data breaches are becoming more frequent in the United States of America, costing the healthcare industry an estimated $6.2 billion. The 2018 Cost of a Data Breach Study conducted by Ponemon and sponsored by IBM shows that for eight consecutive years, healthcare organizations pay the highest cost for data breaches: $408 per stolen or lost record.

    There’s no denying that the issue of cybersecurity has become more critical in the healthcare industry. According to a report by Radware, healthcare organizations spent an average of  $1.4 million to recover from a single cyberattack!

    Fortunately, technology that protects you from cybercrime has also become advanced and readily available.

    Cloud hosting is one of the most cost-effective ways to avoid data breaches. Cloud storage is equipped with multiple levels of encryption and other security features to secure your patients’ data. You can now access PHI anytime and anywhere without the fear of data theft.

    Storing your data in a secure and remote cloud storage helps you reduce IT costs and minimize the hardware and maintenance equipment of onsite servers. Cloud services also offer automatic nightly backups so that you don’t have to back up your data manually.

    Cloud hosting is one of the most beneficial solutions for the healthcare industry by virtue of its elastic and virtually unlimited scalability.

    [perfectpullquote align="full" bordertop="false" cite="" link="" color="#d76c22" size="16"]"According to RapidScale, 94% of the surveyed companies claimed that they saw security improvements after switching to Cloud Hosting."[/perfectpullquote]

    cloud hosting

    These are just the immediate security benefits of cloud storage. There’s so much more to experience when you move your data to the cloud, such as easier data management, minimal downtime, and greater storage customizability and flexibility.

    When you choose Meditab Cloud Hosting, you not only get an expert team to host, backup, and protect your data 24/7 you will also receive:

    1. Full evaluation of your IT infrastructure, data back-ups, making sure that your data will be secured.
    2. Remotely back up data in the event of ransomware.
    3. Professional hosting on the cloud.

    Switch to Meditab Cloud Hosting and experience better cybersecurity today!

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