She’s Having the Wrong Baby! Avoid IVF Mix-Ups at All Costs

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    Becoming a parent is probably one of the best feelings in the world, and IVF technology has helped thousands of couples (particularly those who are suffering from infertility) become happy parents. Many aspiring parents trust fertility clinics to help them build their families and it is a clinic’s responsibility to make sure that their patients’ fertility journey with them is safe and error-free. Because, for fertility clinics, a small error can have big ramifications. 

    What would you tell a mother who trusted her embryos with your clinic when a clinical error ruined her dreams of carrying her own child? How would you answer to a couple who, due to an oversight at your clinic, just gave birth to their bundle of joy that they have to give up because they are not genetically related? These incidents could cause serious emotional injury to patients, and the clinic’s misconduct could lead to huge consequences, both financially and for its reputation. 

    A similar situation is reported recently when the lives of 3 couples were put in a “living hell”. Yes, a careless mistake made by CHA fertility, LA turned a California couple’s dream of birth into a nightmare. It started when the clinic informed the couple that a woman in New York had given birth to their biological son.

    Read the Full Story Here

    Read the full story here.

    Here’s How to Prevent a Specimen Mixup Disaster

    You wouldn't want a similar story happen in your fertility clinic, right? Of course, to make mistakes is only human; that’s why we build technologies that make our system foolproof. An advanced witness system and sample labeling system can help avoid mix-ups like this. 

    Having your EHR fully equipped with all the modules that make your clinical flow more efficient and minimizes human error is a feasible solution. FertilityEHR is an all-in-one EHR and practice management software that is tailor-made to fit the unique flow of fertility clinics. Developed by fertility experts, FertilityEHR comes with efficient sample collection, tracking, and cycle management modules that map every sample collected in the clinic against their rightful owners, aiding clinics in constant correct identification. It provides tracking IDs for the semen samples and color coding for the cryopreservation. 


    The Chain of Custody system in our EHR tracks the end-to-end handling of samples, from sample collection to embryology to the embryo transfer stage. So that, even if there is some mistake, it can be easily back-traced and rectified on time. The best part about our solution is that you don’t need to have any 3rd party software to ensure error-free sampling; it’s all integrated into one powerful platform.

    Incidents of sample mix-ups infertility clinics are grievous in nature. It not only harms the integrity of your clinic, but also leaves lifelong scars to the patients involved. Preventing mixups like this was one of the major reasons Fertility EHR was built for. 

    Discover how Fertility EHR can make your clinical process easier and also put a smile on everyone's faces.

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