How to Minimize Delays in the Prior Authorization Process

    Inconvenient processes are now becoming a business liability in healthcare, as evidenced in the long-winded approach to prior authorization (PA). The long wait times for approval drains the time of providers and delays the care that patients need. This can result in serious frustrations and, even worse, prescription abandonment.

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    Innovations in healthcare technology have made a substantial impact in helping providers deliver better medication to their patients. A recent survey found that: 

    Providers who use electronic methods for prior authorization average 2.5 fewer hours per week on processing PA requests.

    Real-Time Benefit Checks

    As one of the most adaptable EHR solutions in the healthcare industry, our new IMS build now integrates CoverMyMeds in the Prescription module to provide a real-time benefit check for prescriptions.

    Eliminate Wait Periods

    Providers can now get rid of long waiting times for prior authorization requests and spend more time on providing care to their patients. With this integration, it becomes far easier to ensure that patients are prescribed with the most cost-efficient and clinically appropriate medication.

    Automatic Prescription Alternatives

    Aside from getting the patient’s estimated out-of-pocket cost for a prescribed drug, CoverMyMeds also allows providers to get an alternative drug option for the prescription. This helps optimize patient outcomes while reducing waste, errors, and unnecessary prescription drug use and cost.

    Minimized Clinical Errors

    Clinical staff can now view value-added messages that provide applicable, beneficial information at the time of prescribing, thus creating less room for errors while increasing patient satisfaction.

    Integrating CoverMyMeds in your EHR is the all-in-one solution to reduce operational inefficiencies, improve patient care, and increase your bottom-line. To upgrade to the latest IMS version, contact your account manager at