How Technology Can Help Fight the Opioid Crisis
Posted by Raffie Sescon
Healthcare Technology, Patient Engagement New IMS Feature
Put bluntly, the opioid epidemic is ravaging the healthcare industry. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that over 130 people die each day in the US because of drug overdose. Prescription drug abuse and prescription forgery have a serious impact on public health and the economy. The total economic impact of prescription opioid misuse alone in the United States is $78.5 billion a year.
Data provided by the 2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health in the United States states that there were:
These statistics might sound scary, but the good news is that health data and information technology exists today that can lead to better care decisions and curb overprescription, fraud, and abuse.
The two most effective tools that can help curb this opioid crisis are:
- Prescriber access to a patient’s comprehensive medication history
- Ability to prescribe controlled substances electronically.
Meditab delivers a comprehensive solution that helps you take part actively in mitigating this opioid and prescription drug abuse. Having a patient’s medication history at the point of prescription helps providers make more informed and accurate decisions. Our solution is simple and is seamlessly integrated with our EHR (IMS). The knowledge of medication histories and prescription drug eligibility helps providers identify potential adverse drug events, gaps in adherence, and patterns of abuse.
The essential partner of electronic medical history is the Electronic Prescription of Controlled Substance (EPCS)
Advantages of EPCS Integration
Prescribing drugs electronically takes the paper prescriptions off the street. This, in turn, helps lower drug diversion, errors, and fraud.
- Better Patient Safety
- Improve Security and Prescription Accuracy
- Prevent Fraud Prescription and Doctor Shopping
- Prescription Insights Help Make Better Clinical Decisions
With intelligent medical software, providers have their own e-prescribing module at their fingertips, a fast and secure solution for EPCS. It’s a comprehensive platform for provider identity proofing, supervised enrollment of credentials, easy two-factor authentication with both hard or a soft token to make EPCS as fast and convenient as possible for care providers.
We at Meditab want to make sure that healthcare practitioners are equipped with the best technologies to make informed care decisions, and be a part of the movement to save lives, improve health outcomes, and reduce rampant fraud and abuse.
Know more about EPCS email at
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